Northward – Big Sky Wide

Storm sky, heavenly powers, wondrous beauties. This is my inspiration, opening of my heart again, unexpected allowances to self and space to watch kites high. An aim, a mantra, reminder, in every breath, each moment and thought and revision.

‘Maybe together we can get somewhere…
And finally see what it means to be living’

There has been a lot of chatter since this performance so I’d like to add to it. As an admirer of all things Tracy Chapman, not for what she represents but of her pure artistic offerings, I love this collaboration and that it brings new listeners and new inflection. Mr. Combs’ genuine spirit of childhood admiration should give us pause and cause reflection on possibilities for conversation, understanding, rebuilding emotional societal intelligence and to bring humankind further common ground.

Schuyler County Trail – Big Sky Wide

A refreshment for the mind, body, soul.